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Slow Pitch Softball Tournament

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Saturday, September 08, 2018by zdietzen

Slow Pitch Softball Tournament in Strasburg, IL on Saturday, September 8th at 9am!! Team entry fee is $200. There are maximum 8 teams in the tournament. To register, call Mike Antonacci at 217-343-9789 by September 1st. Strasburg Lions club will be serving hamburgers and porkburgers for lunch then serving ribeye and tenderloin sandwiches for supper. The tournament rules and details are as follows: 15 players max per team, 10 players max play field, 11 players max bat per lineup, 1st place wins trophy and $50, 2nd place wins $50, as long as there are 3+ teams every team is guaranteed to play minimum 2 games, pitch count starts at 1-1, plate or carpet is a strike (no courtesy foul), five homerun limit per team then becomes an inning ending out, pitch arc is 6'-12', 12 run limit after 5 innings or 20 run limit after 3 innings, teams must provide base umpire on a rotational basis and 1 new softball.


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