Shelby Electric Cooperative Wins Two Awards


Published on February 12 2024 10:53 am
Last Updated on February 12 2024 10:53 am
Written by Greg Sapp

(A contingent of Shelby Electric Cooperative employees was present for the photo with their two safety awards. They were, pictured from left to right, cooperative President/CEO Josh Shallenberger, HR/Regulatory Compliance Diane Bunton, Operations Assistant Amy Peters, Construction Superintendent Brian Chevalier, and Lineman Jake Kull)

Lineworkers, supervisors and warehouse personnel from electric co-ops across Illinois gathered in Springfield to attend the annual Safety and Energy Conference, hosted by the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives. 

Safety in the electric industry was the main theme of the conference.

Shelby Electric Cooperative was recognized with a 2023 award for Best Lost Time Rate and a 2023 award for Best Incident Rate.

The cooperative serves more than 10,000 meters over 2.214 miles of line in parts of Christian, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette, Macon, Montgomery, Moultrie, Sangamon and Shelby counties.