Update on Those Injured in Missouri Crash


Published on March 21 2022 1:49 pm
Last Updated on March 21 2022 1:49 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Two of the local residents injured in the 47-vehicle crash in Missouri last week are now home.

Doug and Pat Mammoser have returned home. Doug suffered a broken leg, but still was able to help get the other three occupants out of the truck that slammed into a semi stopped across both lanes of I-57 in the fog Thursday morning.

Pat Mammoser arrived home on Saturday. He is able to walk some. Pat is recovering from surgery on both arms and one of his legs.

Steve Mammoser is still hospitalized. He had some additional surgery Sunday night to correct another internal injury, but continues to recover.

Mike Gibson is also still in the hospital. In addition to his internal injuries, Gibson was also found Saturday to have suffered a broken finger and hand and a torn rotator cuff in the crash. 

It's now thought that the truck driven by Pat Mammoser struck the tires of the semi trailer, which might have somewhat cushioned the blow. It's also thought that traveling in a truck rather than a passenger vehicle might have spared the four from even more serious injuries.

Those involved are also thankful for an anonymous man who showed up in time to help Doug Mammoser get Pat Mammoser out of the vehicle just as it had begun to catch on fire. Doug believes the man said he was an Army Ranger, but he was certainly the right man at the right time.