Library Board Learns About Building, Resource Usage


Published on November 19 2021 2:19 pm
Last Updated on November 19 2021 2:19 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Public Library board members got a report at this month's meeting on patron usage of both the library building and materials.

Library Director Amanda McKay said staff members have been determining when patrons are in the buildings. The findings indicate little patron traffic in the evening hours, especially after 7pm. McKay said that is typical of libraries elsewhere in the region. She thinks that will lead to changes in hours of operation after the first of the year. Those changes, though, will likely involve more virtual hours for those utilizing the library's online services.

The study also shows that there are peak usage periods, those being the lunch hours and right after school.

Another finding is that eResources are being more heavily utilized. A consideration is that the eResources are, in McKay's words, "ridiculously expensive." Where the online resources are a certain price for individuals, the cost to libraries for bulk usage is much higher.

The access to eResources will be a significant factor in the coming fiscal year budget. Another priority will be needed repairs to the library parking lot. 

The library board voted to grant each current library employee two days of comp time as their Christmas gift, and honored Peggy Heal as the library's Quarterly Customer Service Award recipient. She was recognized for "going above and beyond" in helping a library patron find the resources she was seeking.

The Board also approved liability insurance coverage for 2022 with the City, although joining a pool of libraries to get better rates is still an option. The Board also approved health insurance for better coverage at the same expense.