Susie Wurl Earns 11 Firsts, Goldstein, Siemer, Alwardt, Kemme Garner Awards


Published on August 16 2021 1:08 pm
Last Updated on August 16 2021 1:33 pm
Written by Millie Lange

SPRINGFIELD -- Susie Wurl, an Altamont resident, earned 11 first place finishes, three seconds and two thirds at the Illinois State Fair.


Wurl garnered firsts in Division II General Textiles including:

Division 1 -- Construction: Bib, Any Style; Child's decorated sweatshirt, Cloth toy, not doll or animal, stuffed or not stuffed; Infant's hat or bonnet; 

Knitted or crocheted items -- Infant or child's set, two or more crocheted pieces; Infant or child's sweater crocheted

Pillows, coverings and pictures -- Appliqued towel; Machine embroidered; Machine embroidered pillow case or dresser scarf; Machine embroidered towel; Miscellaneous or upcycled (using recycled handmade items); 

She finished second in Division II General Textiles including:

Division I Construction -- One mask or any accessory (other than purse or tote); 

N Culinary, Open Culinary -- Baked products, Cake mix cookies (box mix base); Baked products cake mix mix-up

She took third in Division II General Textiles including:

Knitted or Crocheted Items, Infant's carriage robe or crib blanket-crocheted; Knitted or crocheted items, infant's carriage robe or crib blanket-crocheted; Knitted or crocheted pot holder, practical use

Luke Goldstein (Effingham) claimed four first places and two seconds.

He had first place finishes in Division I -- Livestock: A02 -- Hereford, Hereford Bull born between January 5-12;; A03-Polled Hereford polled champion bull calf; Polled Herefords LL champion polled junior bull calf and Polled Herefords Hereford bulls born January 5-12.

He had second place finishes in Division I --  Beef Breeding cattle, A03-polled Hereford females born September 1-15 and Polled Herefords Hereford females born September 1-15.

Shelby Siemer (Teutopolis) had four first place finishes.

In Division I -- Livestock she took first in A03 Polled Hereford bull born between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31; A03-Polled Hereford polled champion fall bull calf; Polled Herefords LL Hereford bulls born Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 and Polled Herefords LLL -- Champion polled fall bull calf.

Tyler Alwardt (Altamont) had two first place finishes in Beef Breeding, A08 -- Simmental champion junior heifer calf and Simmental LL Simmental champion junior heifer calf.

Deken Kemme (Mason) had three second place finishes in Breeding Beef Females, Simmental heifers J08-Simmental heifer March 20/2020 to March 31/2020; Performance Cow-Calf, othere registered breeds, A0B 2-3 year old cows born performance and Breeding females, Simmental heifers, J08-Simmental heifer March 20/2020 to March 31/2020.