Golden Apple Aiming to Reduce Teacher Shortage in Illinois


Published on December 26 2020 7:40 am
Last Updated on December 26 2020 7:41 am
Written by Wayne Moran

Golden Apple is working with area school officials to help reduce the teacher shortage in Illinois. Applications are officially open for the ‘Accelerators’ Program that expedites the one-year teacher residency and licensure process. In 2021, Golden Apple is striving to expand the Accelerators program and introduce even more teachers into high-need schools and subject areas. Alan Mather is the President of Golden Apple. He says the program could be making a big impact in just a few years.

The inaugural class of the Accelerators program Golden Apple inducted 30 Accelerators, who started this past June, and are at work completing their teacher licensure and residency to become teachers of record in their own classrooms next summer. The organization is aiming to accept 150 - 200 Accelerators, add additional licensure pathways including Elementary and Early Childhood Education, and partner with more higher education and school districts across Illinois.