Junior High Open House Today, First Day of Classes Tuesday


Published on August 26 2019 9:59 am
Last Updated on August 26 2019 9:59 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Junior High School is hosting an Open House today from 2:30 to 5:30pm.

The junior high building is in the first year of a three-year renovation project. The project resulted in a delay in the start of the school year.

The Open House is being held to allow parents and students to get schedules, walk the building, and try lockers. Teachers will be working in their classrooms to prepare for students on Tuesday, the first day of classes, so you're asked to allow them to work as you walk the building.

Here's the schedule for the first day of classes for both Unit 40 schools and Sacred Heart School. St. Anthony schools opened earlier this month:

Effingham High School--start time 7:55am, dismissal time 2:00pm

Effingham Junior High School--start time 8:00am, dismissal time 2:00pm

Central Grade School--start time 8:15am, dismissal time 2:00pm

Central Early Childhood Special Education--parents take students; morning students at 9:00am, afternoon students at 12:00pm; students leave with their parents; 9:45am for morning students, 12:45pm for afternoon students

South Side School--parents take students and stay for an hour; students will leave with their parents (parents should have received a letter indicating the time they should take their child)

Early Learning Center kindergarten--parents take students and stay for an hour; students will leave with their students (parents should have received a letter indicating the time they should take their child)

Sacred Heart School--start time 8:05am, dismissal time 2:00pm