IDNR Announces Late-Summer Hunting Opportunities


Published on July 7 2022 12:31 pm
Last Updated on July 7 2022 12:31 pm
Written by Millie Lange

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is announcing late-summer hunting opportunities for 2022.

The following information is provided as a helpful reminder of season timelines, which begin in August and September.

Hunting licenses can be purchased through IDNR’s online license portal at or in person at a participating vendor. To search for a list of participating vendors, visit https://

Additional details will be announced in the forthcoming 2022-2023 edition of IDNR’s Hunting and Trapping Digest. Information about hunting and trapping in Illinois also can be found here online at

Species--Dates--Location--Daily Limit--Possession Limit

Squirrel -- Aug. 1, 2022-Feb. 15, 2023*, Statewide, 5, 10

Dove (mourning and white-winged) -- Sep 1-Nov. 14, 2022, and Dec. 26, 2022-Jan. 9, 2023, Statewide, 15, 45

Teal -- Sep. 10-Sep. 25, 2022, Statewide (all zones**), 6, 18

Rail (Sora and Virginia only) -- Sep. 10-Nov. 18, 2022, Statewide (all zones), 25, 75

Snipe -- Sep. 10-Dec. 25, 2022, Statewide (all zones), 8, 24

Canada Geese (early season) -- Sep. 1-Sep. 15, 2022, North and Central Zones, 5, 15; South Central and South Zones, 2, 6

* Squirrel season is closed Nov. 18-20 and Dec. 1-4 in counties open for firearm deer hunting.

** “Zones” refers to waterfowl hunting zones established in Illinois per U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations. See the following link for more details and a map of waterfowl zones and season dates for the period 2021-2025: