O'Neal Urges Saints To Not Let Media Divide Them


Published on June 9 2020 5:54 am
Last Updated on June 9 2020 6:01 am

Shaquille O'Neal urged the New Orleans Saints to not let the media divide them after Drew Brees'’ comments about kneeling during the national anthem, according to NBC Sports.

During a virtual Saints team meeting Thursday at which Shaq was previously set to speak, he said: “They're going to try to divide you, just like they divided us with the Lakers! Me and Kobe (Bryant), we had a great thing going, but the media divided our team. We could have won five more championships!”

Asked amid the George Floyd protests about Colin Kaepernick's kneeling, Brees said Wednesday he believes it disrespects the flag and military. After backlash, including from some teammates, Brees apologized.