Governor Files Unfair Labor Charge Against AFSCME


Published on December 23 2016 9:25 am
Last Updated on December 23 2016 9:52 am
Written by Matt Robinson

The Governor’s office is looking for the state’s largest employee union to start paying $2 million a day to the administration because they haven’t accepted Bruce Rauner’s contract terms. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees and the Governor are tied up in an unfair labor practice complaint.

The state’s labor relations board ruled the two parties at an impasse and the administration could impose its last and best final offer. AFSCME then went to court and won an effort to block the contract from being imposed. The state says the cost to the state for not implementing the contract is $2 million a day.

The union says the filing is a disgraceful attempt to intimidate members from their legal rights. The administration’s statement notes the contract is similar to 18 others negotiated and agreed to by other state employee unions.