North Clay School Board Hears Latest on Possible Agreement w/ Park District


Published on August 18 2016 2:53 pm
Last Updated on August 18 2016 2:53 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members Wednesday heard the latest on a potential intergovernmental agreement with the North Clay Park District. 

The agreement concerns construction by the Park District of a high school baseball field on a portion of a 20-acre plot currently farmed by the FFA Alumni. 

There was discussion, but no action taken. The intergovernmental agreement will next be shared with members of the Park Board for their review.

North Clay board members approved a tentative budget for the new fiscal year with final action expected at the Board's September meeting. A concussion protocol required by the State of all school districts was adopted, and the Board approved for first reading a number of policy revisions.

Following a closed session, the North Clay board approved maternity leaves for Mayana Blair and Jade Huber; authorized the administration to hire an additional paraprofessional utilizing Title I grant funds; accepted the resignation of Joe Hembree as a bus driver as of August 31 and authorized the administration to hire a bus driver.