State Crop Report for Week Ending June 19


Published on June 21 2016 5:08 pm
Last Updated on June 21 2016 5:08 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Despite periods of rain last week, soybean planting neared completion and farmers made good progress on harvesting wheat and green beans.

Statewide, the average temperature was 77.4 degrees, 4.5 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 0.84 inches, 0.17 inches below normal. There were six days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending June 19.

Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 4% very short, 26% short, 66% percent adequate, and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 2% very short, 18% short, 76% adequate, and 4% surplus.

Corn condition was rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 20% fair, 59% good, and 16% excellent.

Soybeans planted was at 96%, compared to 91% last year. Soybeans emerged was at 88%, up 10 percentage points from last week. Soybeans blooming reached 1%. Soybean condition was rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 20% fair, 61% good, and 14% excellent.

Winter wheat harvest was 38% complete, a jump of 37 percentage points from last week. Winter wheat condition was rated 3% very poor, 6% poor. 27% fair, 51% good, and 13% excellent.

Oats headed was at 81%, compared to the five-year average of 82%. 

Pasture and range condition was rated at 1% very poor, 5% poor, 23% fair, 55% good, and 16% excellent.