South Central Board Approves Fund Transfers, Acts on Personnel Items


Published on May 24 2016 2:58 pm
Last Updated on May 24 2016 2:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

South Central school board members Monday acted on fund transfers.

The Board approved a permanent transfer of funds from the Working Cash Fund to the Transportation Fund to cover a shortfall of payments from the State. The Board transferred funds from the Education Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. Board members also heard a report on an amended budget for the current fiscal year and will likely vote on the document at their June meeting.

The Board approved a request from the Kinmundy Area Sports Corporation to host the 2016-17 South Central Middle School girls softball games, and approved a memorandum with the South Central Teachers Association.

In personnel matters, the South Central board approved leaves of absence for Jessica Lother and Rhonda Moseley; accepted an irrevocable letter of retirement from Cindy Garrett to be effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year; accepted a resignation from Dylan Dilley; accepted a letter of resignation from Theresa Linder as middle school Beta sponsor; hired Ed Diel as an evening custodian at the elementary school; released Wendy Reid as a support staff member at the end of the current fiscal year; and extended all district administrators' contracts to June 30, 2020.