Walmart Heart Drivers and Store Employees Surprise "Coach Kyal"


Published on April 9 2016 4:28 pm
Written by Wayne Moran

Effingham's Kyal Hoelscher, known to most as "Coach Kyal", got a big surprise Saturday morning from Walmart.

Kyal, who suffers from a rare condition called Hydrocephalus, has been steadily improving since October when a shunt installed in his brain failed. Kyal's condition causes fluid to build up on his brain, so doctors inserted the shunt as a method to drain the fluid. When it failed, Kyal had a severe seizure and was eventually airlifted to St. Louis in critical condition, where he remained in ICU for weeks.


Thumbs up from Coach Kyal!!!

Posted by Prayers for Coach Kyal on Saturday, October 24, 2015

Kyal's mom, Michelle Hoelscher, told us Saturday that her son is "doing better, but still has a long way to go." He's able to speak again after his vocal chords were damaged (one of the many side effects from October's incident), but he's still not able to eat. He gets PediaSure 4 times a day via a g-tube

Saturday's event at Walmart was a well-guarded secret. Some of Kyal's classmates at EJHS knew but promised not to tell.

Hoelscher said Kyal "wasn't in the best of moods" Saturday after she told her son they were going grocery shopping at Walmart. Before they went, she told her son they had to stop by the Chrome Shop to see his grandma.

Kyal's grandmother, Barb Forehand, has worked at the Chrome Shop on West Fayette for many years. She speaks often of her grandson, and it was one those conversations that caught the ear of a special Walmart driver, one that's part of a team called Walmart Heart.

Effingham store manager Bob Lakin told us Saturday afternoon that Walmart Heart visits and plans special days for kids with disabilities or special medical needs, and after hearing Kyal's story, the team set out to surprise him by making him a 'driver for a day.'

When the Hoelscher family arrived at the Chrome Shop Saturday morning, Kyal was greeted by the Walmart Heart team of six drivers, who presented him with an official Walmart drivers' uniform and badge. One of the drivers is from Olney, while the rest drove from St. James, MO.

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"Coach Kyle" Hoelscher with the Walmart Heart drivers

After a few photos, the team showed Kyal "his truck" a Walmart semi that had his name and picture on it. Followed by the other five Walmart drivers in their trucks, the small convoy was escorted down Keller Drive by two Effingham City Police cruisers and an engine from the Effingham Fire Department.

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Coach Kyal with "his truck"

When they arrived at Effingham's Walmart, they were greeted by team members and managers. After a few more photos, they released balloons specially made for the day, with a letter inside telling Kyal's story and contact information to report where it's found. Walmart Heart drivers have released balloons at each of their stops, with one being found more than 400 miles from where it was launched.

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Inside the store, employees presented a large St. Louis Cardinals cake that Walmart made for him, as well as $580 that employees and Walmart Heart drivers had raised to use on a shopping spree in the store.

Hoelscher said Kyal picked out a new bike, helmet, and scooter, as well as video games, Lego toys and more.

After he finished shopping, the management team at Walmart gave Kyal another gift, an iPad Mini.

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Effingham Walmart Manager Bob Lakin presents Kyal with an iPad Mini

Kyal told his mom that "it was his best day, and nothing could ever beat it."

Hoeslcher said of the day, "we had such an amazing time and we are so blessed that people care. It was so amazing to see Kyal happy and smiling, and we're so thankful for what the employees and drivers of Walmart did. We can't put into words how thankful we are."

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Some of the Effingham Walmart team members who helped organize and donate to Kyal's shopping spree