Catholic Schools Week Activities at Sacred Heart


Published on January 25 2016 5:41 pm
Last Updated on January 25 2016 5:41 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Sacred Heart School of Effingham today announced its schedule of events in celebration of the nation-wide, annual Catholic Schools Week which kicks off during the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, January 31, at Sacred Heart Church. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. A statement from the parish states, "Sacred Heart School is a close-knit family in its own right, but is also a vital member of a greater community – in Effingham, the nation, and most importantly, the Body of Christ."

Many activities have been planned to demonstrate how Sacred Heart School lives out its mission to foster faith formation, provide a high-quality education, and to teach ‘others before self.’

Sunday, Jan. 31: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Parish: Postcards will be mailed to our church and school families to thank them for supporting Sacred Heart School and its Annual Fund Drive, which helps to ensure the future long-term viability of Sacred Heart School’s PreK-Grade 8 programs. Students will participate in the 10:30am Mass serving as lectors, musicians, servers, and gift bearers. Students will address the parish to introduce a school-wide initiative “Bricks for Bolivia” project to help build a church/community building for our sister parish in Bolivia. Students will display posters explaining the project, and will be selling “bricks” after all the weekend Masses. There is also a parish-wide “Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Lunch” scheduled from 1:00-3:00pm at the Effingham Knights of Columbus. In conjunction with St. Anthony and St. Mary’s Shumway, the parishes will convene to thank all those who support their churches and schools with gifts of time & talent.

Monday, Feb. 1: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Community: Students will honor our local community by making and delivering thank you posters for our police and fire departments, city hall, and library. A representative from the Effingham Library will visit the students. To help our greater church community, the students will continue to raise funds for our sister parish with their “Bricks for Bolivia” project.

Tuesday, Feb. 2: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Nation: Students will wear red, white, and blue, and will gather together at 8:15am in the gymnasium for a prayer service. Students will also create valentine cards for local veterans and for the homebound of the parish.

Wednesday, Feb. 3: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Students: Sacred Heart School students will join together with other Catholic schools in the deanery for a Mass at St. Anthony High School at 9:30am. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki will celebrate the Mass, along with Catholic priests from the deanery. Following Mass, K-4 students from all the Catholic Schools will gather at Sacred Heart School for lunch, games, and fun activities. Grade 5-8 students will spend the afternoon at St. Anthony High School, taking part in educational and team building activities. It’s also “No Homework Day!”

Thursday, Feb. 4: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Volunteers, Faculty, & Staff: The students will recognize volunteers at Sacred Heart School.There will also be a staff luncheon to celebrate and thank our teachers and administration. In addition, the staff and students will compete in various games during an afternoon Pep Rally at 2:15pm, in the school gymnasium.

Friday, Feb. 5: Faith, Knowledge, and Service In Our Vocations: Students will host an ice cream social from 1:00-2:40pm, to honor the parish priests and sisters, as well as the religious of the Effingham community, in appreciation of their dedication to the faith and in thanksgiving for helping the students to grow closer to God. The students will present the religious with cards and perform special songs and skits.