Plan Commission Handles Several Items


Published on January 13 2016 11:29 am
Last Updated on January 13 2016 11:29 am
Written by Greg Sapp

The Effingham City Plan Commission Tuesday recommended approval by the Effingham City Council of a rezoning of property at 1202 N. 4th Street for a memory care home.

The rezoning from neighborhood shopping district to multiple dwelling district is being requested by Heartland Human Services, the agency that would like to develop the facility. There were questions from neighbors who would rather the facility be located on the south part of the property, which would be farther away from an existing residence. Heartland's developers on the project had recommended a location on the north side of the property to improve access to utilities.

The Commission recommended approval of the rezoning, but asked that Heartland bring back a site plan for the project for their review.

The Commission also recommended approval of a plat of the lot along N. 4th Street where the development is to be located.

Commission members also Tuesday recommended issuance of a special-use permit to Brian Davis for property at 801 S. Oak Street. The property houses a quonset hut damaged by a fire several months ago. Davis Recycling is located just west of the site, but the property in question is leased by Mark and Mary Anders. Davis indicated that they want to get the site cleaned up, but after the fire occurred, it was found that no special-use permit had been issued for the Anders operation.

While the Commission voted to recommended issuance of the special-use permit, they also asked that the cleanup of the site be completed within six months, and that a 10-foot-tall solid fence be erected around the site to screen the operation from neighbors.

Plan Commission members also recommended Council approval of a plat of Sheehan Subdivision, a two-acre lot east of Effingham in Teutopolis Township along Crystal Club Road, north of US 40. 

Approval was also recommended of a plat of the first addition to Thies Commercial Subdivision. The 15-acre lot would house a new wood plant for John Boos and Company, south across Thies Avenue from the company's metal plant along South US 45.