St. Elmo Board Approves Amended Budget


Published on June 23 2015 11:11 am
Last Updated on June 23 2015 11:11 am
Written by Greg Sapp

St. Elmo school board members Monday approved an amended budget for the fiscal year reflecting an additional $100,000 deficit in revenues. The shortfall is due to the State not making final categorical payments to Illinois school districts.

The Board approved the student fee schedule for the coming year. No student book fees were raised. The students that participate in 5th and 6th grade basketball or in 5th and 6th grade cheerleading will pay an athletic fee for the coming year.

Board members approved Logan Mahon as head junior high boys basketball coach, Tom Fedrigon as head junior high softball coach, Nancy Oberlink as assistant junior high softball coach, and approved salaries of administrators, the bookkeeper, the treasurer and the maintenance supervisor.

St. Elmo board members contracted with Ramza Insurance for district insurance coverage for the coming fiscal year, and awarded bids for various commodities.